
2020 seen through the eyes of the Ahlmann grandkids

As adults, we work through the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic to be able to make wine, and to share it with our customers in safe and fun ways. We’ve seen crises before, although nothing as disruptive as this pandemic.

Grandkids studying flower guide

But what about the children? How do things look from their perspective? We asked the Ahlmann grandkids in October. (Stay tuned for Kaj’s reflections on the year 2020.)

Elizabeth, age 7.

This half year of COVID-19 has been crazy but also ok if you ask me. It’s also kind of hard.

The bad part: I mostly am not a fan of distance-learning. It’s not that I’m not good at it, it’s just a lot of work but I [usually] get done before lunch. I also don’t prefer wearing a mask inside buildings. I hope COVID-19 goes away soon.

The good part: I have enjoyed [my life during] COVID-19 as much as I don’t like it. First of all, I get to spend more time with my family which has been a lot of fun. We do something fun every Sunday like go biking, go on paddle boards and more. This Sunday we are going to a pumpkin patch. We get to go on fun vacations and see family. I have loved [this part of my life during] COVID-19.

Caleb, age 10.

This half year of COVID-19 has been both really well, and not so well. I’ve been bouldering, hiking, and many other outdoor things.

I don’t really enjoy online school though. I work on a computer from 8:30 to 2:00 mostly. Other than that, it has been a totally awesome time! By the way I have been getting to spend a lot more time with my family. I have two sisters and my parents. [This part] has been totally awesome.

The thoughts of the two oldest grandkids were closely echoed by the younger ones, little sister Isabella, age 4, and cousins Noah, age 7 and Elijah, age 5. We are so fortunate that the families live in situations where the positives of these weird times outweigh the negatives!

Else Ahlmann

2 thoughts on “2020 seen through the eyes of the Ahlmann grandkids

Brian Peterson December 2, 2020 at 8:08 am

Knowing your family, any event which allows your kids/grandkids to be closer to their parents & grandparents has a silver lining by default! You’re held in our highest regard!


    Christian Ahlmann December 2, 2020 at 9:55 am

    Thank you sir. We feel the same way about the Peterson clan! In fact, I think there needs to be a tour on the calendar for biology review of Six Sigma Ranch, and some bass fishing at Clear Lake =) – Christian


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