Super Bowl Drama at the Ranch

Things will get weird on February 2nd when the 49ers play the Chiefs in the Super Bowl. (Let’s be honest; things got weird the moment I published that photo on the right without asking permission from my siblings. More on that in a moment.)
You see, our family bought the 4,000 acres north of San Francisco to establish Six Sigma Ranch in 1999. But most don’t know that this was actually Six Sigma Ranch 2.0. The original Six Sigma Ranch was 50 tidy acres (complete with a tiny vineyard full of Norton grapes) south of Kansas City where our family spent roughly a decade after moving to the United States from Denmark. (See second photo.)

We embraced the local culture (and football team) like any newly minted American family would: In style. That’s where the magnificent photo comes in. (I am eternally grateful to my fifth grade friend Derek who explained prior to the photo that real men don’t wear jeans inside boots, and worse yet never boots with shorts. But how was an aspiring new American to know?)
All that to say, I joined fellow 5th graders at Stilwell Elementary in 1993 with a Styrofoam bowl on my head to support the idea that the Chiefs would get to the Super Bowl. Little did we know, that same year would begin a record 8 year play-off losing streak, despite the recent acquisition of Joe Montana as quarterback (interestingly from the 49ers.)

So we understand a bit of the tension now that Mr. Montana would have surely felt, a sense of local pride in conflict with itself. (That said, the tension will soon be dwarfed by the tension my siblings will feel the moment they see I published that picture!)
No matter your allegiance on February 2nd, we hope you have a lovely day with friends, family and great wine.
Explanation accepted.