How to Grow a Grapevine from Cuttings

Newly potted grapevine
The plants in the picture were sticks on a dormant grapevine a few weeks ago. Grapes grow like weeds, so they are fun to start from cuttings.
In short, you cut a stick from a grapevine in the early spring and poke it into soil, then water occasionally until it grows into a plant.
A few tips will increase your chance of success:
1. Select a stick (a cutting) with 2 or 3 buds on it. Make sure you keep the correct end up. (I often cut an angle on the “top” end to keep track.) Cut from last year’s wood, and wait for canes to harden with a few days of frost before you take your cutting. Late winter/early spring is best.
2. Prepare a pot indoors (it needs to be warm) with quality potting soil. Water it thoroughly. You can use plastic or paper cups for this; just make sure to cut a few holes in the bottom so water drains.
3. Trim your cutting to a ¼ or ½ inch from the bud on each end, and remove any tendrils or other debris.
4. Poke the cutting into the soil; ensure that the correct end is still up.
5. Place it near a sunny window, but out of direct sunlight. (Too much sun and heat can dry things out). Then water occasionally until you get roots and leaves!
If all went well, you will have a plant in a month. Acclimate it gradually to the outdoors to avoid sunburn, and then plant it outside after the last chance of spring frost, or keep it in a pot on the deck.